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ADULT: Deutschland Heute (Online)

  • Tuesday, July 08, 2025
  • 6:30 PM
  • Monday, August 04, 2025
  • 8:00 PM
  • online
  • 12



Deutschland heute

Willkommen to our German Summer Classes 2025!

Class Description

Learn German with us from wherever you are! This class is meant for students on the B1 level and above and meets up online every Tuesday for a 5-week-period.

What does everyday life in Germany actually look like? Deutschland heute will explore everyday realities of life in Germany, introducing students to German society and culture and examining the current German political landscape and the country’s wider role across the international stage. The course will also encourage students to reflect on German history (WWII to present) and its consequences for our present day. This course will take a multimedia approach to answering key questions surrounding life in Germany by utilizing an up-to-date textbook designed for use in orientation courses for new arrivals in Germany, exploring popular culture and current events via news articles and videos as well as group projects, guest presentations and group discussions.

This class runs for 1.5 hours and covers CEFR Level B1+.

Meeting UP

This class meets online every Tuesday, July 8 - August 4, from 6:30 - 8:00pm.


Have you completed at least our Beginner IV class or are you on a B1 level? Perfect - You're good to go! If in doubt, please refer to the Placement Test or contact us at

Price - single classes and Mix & Match

The cost for a single class is $150 for members of the DANK Haus and $175 for non-members. If you're interested in becoming a friend of ours, click here!

Interested in more than one class this summer? Create your own summer class bundle! You can mix and match our classes during the check-out process and save!

late fee of $30 will be added to the respective price for any registrants enrolling on or after June 24, 2025. 

Minimum Enrollment

There need to be at least 6 students in order for this class to come together. In case of insufficient enrollment, we may merge this course with the in-person class.


This class uses Klett's Die 100 Stunden Deutschland. You can order your book here. This link works best with Google Chrome. If you are experiencing issues ordering the material, please call 800-277-4247 or email

See you in class! Bis dahin!

Payment must be received within 15 minutes of registration to avoid cancelling your enrollment. Please contact with any questions.

German American Cultural Center 

4740 North Western Ave. 
Chicago, IL 60625

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center does not discriminate based on race, color, sexuality, national origin, sex, disability or age.

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Phone: +1 (773) 561-9181

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