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ADULT: Advanced Book Club (online)

  • Thursday, July 10, 2025
  • 6:30 PM
  • Thursday, August 07, 2025
  • 8:00 PM
  • online through Zoom



Advanced Book club

Willkommen to our German Summer Classes 2025!

Class Description

Werde mit uns zur Leseratte! We will be reading Die Welle - der Roman zum Film by Reinhard Kunert., and will discuss the content of this book as well as inherent grammar and vocabulary. This class is meant for those students who have finished at least the one Intermediate class (B1 Level, or equivalent), and meets up online

Meeting TImes

This class will meet online on Thursdays, July 10 - August 7, 2025 from 6.30 - 8.00pm.

You will receive the Zoom Link as well as other information once the start of the class approaches.


You are on the intermediate level? Perfect - you're good to go! If in doubt, please refer to the Placement Test or contact us at

Price - single classes and Mix & Match

The cost for a single class is $150 for members of the DANK Haus and $175 for non-members. If you're interested in becoming a friend of ours, click here!

Interested in more than one class this summer? Create your own summer class bundle! You can mix and match our classes during the check-out process and save!

late fee of $30 will be added to the respective price for any registrants enrolling on or after June 26, 2025. 

Minimum Enrollment

There need to be at least 6 students in order for this class to come together. You will receive a confirmation email about this once that minimum is met. 


We will be reading Die Welle - der Roman zum Film by Reinhard Kunert. The book is available here

Die Welle (The Wave) is a 2008 novel based on the German language film by the same name. Set in modern-day Germany, the story incorporates themes set forth in the original text by Morton Rhue (pen name of Todd Strasser), based on the real-life “Third Wave” experiment conducted by a high school teacher in California in 1967. The book explores themes of authoritarianism, group dynamics, and the dangers of blindly following a leader.

“Ihr meint also, eine Diktatur wäre bei uns heute nicht mehr möglich?“

Im Rahmen einer Projektwoche entbrennt in der Gruppe des jungen Lehrers Rainer Wenger eine aufgeregte Diskussion. Die Schüler sind felsenfest davon überzeugt, dass sie auf diktatorische Ideologien wie im Dritten Reich niemals hereinfallen würden. Rainer Wenger setzt alles daran, seinen Schülern in einem Experiment das Gegenteil zu beweisen. Durch geschickte psychologische Manipulation will er sie zu willenlosen Befehlsempfängern machen. Das Experiment gerät außer Kontrolle…

During a project week, a heated discussion breaks out in the class of young teacher Rainer Wenger. The pupils are firmly convinced that they would never fall for dictatorial ideologies like those of the Third Reich. Rainer Wenger does everything he can to prove the opposite to his pupils in a social experiment. Through skillful psychological manipulation, he intends to turn them into mindless and loyal subjects. The experiment quickly grows out of control...

See you in class!/Bis dahin!

Payment must be received within 15 minutes of registration to avoid cancelling your enrollment. Please contact with any questions.

German American Cultural Center 

4740 North Western Ave. 
Chicago, IL 60625

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center does not discriminate based on race, color, sexuality, national origin, sex, disability or age.

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Phone: +1 (773) 561-9181

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